Age-old craftsmanship is on the verge of extinction


July the 14th, 2016

    Fashion portal “Business of Fashion” says: “Around the world, the beauty and cultural wisdom of age-old craftsmanship is on the verge of extinction. Highly-skilled craftsmen and women have become an endangered species as more young people have chosen other career options. This, and the proliferation of mechanised, globalised production has brought many traditional, craft-based businesses to their knees. Those that remain are often small, family-run enterprises, without the financial resources to attract and develop new talent and without the skills to create sustainable business models. How can traditional craftsmanship survive in the modern world?”

    General director of Lesage, a savoir-faire maison renowned for its embroidery, Caroline Leborgne, says that “craftmanship is part of what should be fashion now“. And it is above fashion, we would add. There is no doubt that, in spite of globalization and massive production, or, maybe, just because of that, the demand for craftmanship will only grow.
    Here is a valuable link to a series of articles by „Business of Fashion“, discussing this subject in detail.